Thursday 3 October 2013

The Fear Factor Episode 5 of 6: The Artists, The Press and the Black, Black Oil

Scared at the prospect of running your own country? Terrified about what the future holds? Haunted by nightmarish visions of deep uncertainty? The Fear Factor is a series of short films looking at why Scottish people are afraid, very afraid, about what's in store for their poor wee country...

The Fear Factor Episode 5: The Artists, The Press and the Black, Black Oil. Why Better Together is only worth half a Serbian War Criminal to a blowhard and how his lawyers were foiled by a bunch of Arty-Farties. The dying Dead Tree Press and the rise of Aaaaaaaarrrrgh: The Cybernat! Scary stuff.

The Fear Factor Episode 4: Mean Scotland Syndrome. Journalists or Churnalists? Make up your own mind.

Missed the previous episodes? Fear Not! You can watch them right here with the Logic's Rock Catch-up service.

The Fear Factor Episode 3: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth.

The Fear Factor Episode 2: Part of the Union.

The Fear Factor Episode 1: This is the Fear Factor.

Got any questions about Scottish independence? You can either find the answers on Yes Scotland's Questions Page, or if you can't find an answer there's a wee form so you can ask your own question and get an answer.

Films by Rough Justice Films: Jack Foster & Chris Silver.

#Indyref #YesScotland #ProjectFear

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